A toss shall be conducted before the commencement of any match and the winning side decides whether to receive or serve a service. 

  • A match consists of 3 games or sets of 21 points, considering best of three games in which 2 game wins decides the winner.
  • Every serve tends to have a point scored at its end.
  • The winner of the rally gets addition of a point to its score.
  • At 20 all, the player which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
  • At 29 all, the player scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
  • The player who wins a game serves first in the next game.


  • The game starts with the score of 0-0 usually called "love all".
  • At the beginning of the game,the server serves from the right service court because even score of 0-0, whereas the server serves from the left service court due to odd score.
  • If the server wins a rally, he/she scores a point and then initiates a service again from the alternate service court.
  • If the receiver wins a rally, he/she scores a point and becomes the new server. They serve from the appropriate service court, from left if their score is odd and from right if it is even.


  • At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left court.
  • If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court.
  • If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new serving side.
  • The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.


    • When the leading score reaches 11 points, players have a 1 minute interval.
    • Between each game or set only 2 minutes interval is allowed.
    • In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 11 points.


      A service error has been made when a player has served or received out of turn  or has served or received to/from the wrong service court.


    It is considered to be a fault :

    • if service is not correct.
    • if shuttle is caught on the net and remain still on its top.
    • if shuttle is hit by the receiver's partner.
    • if shuttle touches the ceiling or any side walls.
    • if shuttle touches the player's body or player's dress.
    • if shuttle is hit successively by the same player.
    • if shuttle is hit by both players(partners) successively in doubles match.
    • if player's racket, dress or body touches the net.


    "let" shall be called by the umpire or by the player if there is no umpire present.

    • if the server serves before the receiver is ready.
    • if the shuttle disintegrates and its base gets completely separated from its rest body.
    • if the play is disrupted or the player is distracted by the opponents coach.
    • if the line judge is not sighted and the umpire is unable make decision.
    • if any accidental situation has occurred.
    When a "let" is called, play since the last serve shall not count and the player who had served last shall serve again.

